A Conversation with Cometan | Season 2 Episode 8 | Total Immersion into Astronism: Astronist Philosophy

2021-06-14 18

​Cometan delivers the second part of his Total Immersion into Astronism which centres on the exposition of the Astronist philosophical tradition. In this, Cometan explores the Astronist approaches to questions such as the meaning of life and he gives an outline of the Astronist tradition in the traditional philosophical disciplines of epistemology, ontology, philosophy of religion as well as new Astronist disciplines of sentereology, Astronist theory, and astrofuturology. Added as an appendage to the main part of the lecture is Cometan's discussion of the persistent issues surrounding the defining and designating of Astronism which namely pose the questions, how can Astronism be both described and categorised?

Thank you for watching Episode 8 of Season 2 of A Conversation with Cometan. Stay tuned for Episode 9 Coming Soon!

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